Our Staff
The staff of Panorama Heights Preschool have a wealth of experience in early childhood education and are dedicated to ensuring children have a positive early childhood education. For our overarching philosophy we encourage you to read further in the menu above.
To learn more about our staff click here
Our Committee
At Panorama Heights Preschool, we pride ourselves on the level of parental involvement and community spirit that we are enriched with. The parents of currently enrolled children manage the kindergarten as part of a committee. A Committee is formed each year at the Annual General Meeting. It is the responsibility of this Committee to govern the kinder – this involves overseeing the day to day running and policy making of the Preschool, safeguard employment and payment of staff and ensure supply of materials and equipment.
To learn more about our committee click here
Our Policies
To learn more about our policies click here
Panorama Heights Preschool is registered by the Office for Children and fulfils the regulations and requirements of the Department of Education and Training (DET). The kindergarten’s building and the land on which it stands are owned by the Banyule City Council which is responsible for the structural safety of the building.