Mission Statement

To nurture and educate the children of our community and empower them through play and positive relationships.



We foster relationships that are built on mutual respect. ​
Children’s social interactions with peers are encouraged and friendships nurtured. ​
We facilitate the development of cooperative learning skills and assist them to regulate their own emotions and resolve conflict.​
Educators strive to build secure, trusting and friendly relationships with each child. We actively engage with families, collaborate with them in their ​child’s education including providing feedback on their child’s​ learning and involve them in the service and decision-making. We respect privacy and confidentiality, and act with honesty, integrity and transparency.​
The Committee of Management and staff are a collaborative team working towards shared objectives.​

​Child-centered Program

Children are capable learners. Our educators support them to explore and develop their own interests across the rich program we offer including music, art, environmental and cultural awareness, science and maths concepts together with imagination and role play. Children explore nature in our leafy playground.​
Children have the right to make choices and decisions that influence events and their world. We consult with them to encourage a sense of ownership, responsibility and social justice. ​
Our flexible program is play-based, inclusive, underpinned by intentional teaching and responsive to individual children’s strengths, interests and needs. ​
We are committed to providing an environment where children feel safe, and are safe. We actively consider their mental and physical wellbeing, and support them to build resilience. ​

Community Minded

We are run by the community, for the benefit of the community. Our program includes incursions and excursions for children to extend beyond the classroom and be involved in their local community.​
We offer social opportunities and foster a culture  where our families form friendships with each other and in doing so can provide peer support. Further to this, we help link our families with support agencies and other external programs through community partnerships. ​
In doing so, we nurture both the child’s and the family’s sense of belonging and build their appreciation of the broader community with its various services, programs, places and diverse people.

Exemplary Educators

Our staff are professional, experienced and passionate educators with their own teaching styles. They work collaboratively in teams to design and deliver the children’s program, share knowledge and build skills. We support their professional development, respect their expertise and value their guidance. ​
In doing so, we can achieve the best educational and developmental environment for our children.​


Our curriculum values and reflects the diverse cultures, practices, values and beliefs of our families and the broader community. We acknowledge the Wurundjeri people as the traditional custodians of the land and we embed their perspectives where we meet and learn. ​
Our service is committed to equality and we believe that every child is capable, regardless of their different circumstances and abilities. We seek out, identify, understand and remove barriers to full participation.​

Culture of Excellence

We value quality and aim for continuous improvement towards best practice. With guidance from professional standards/frameworks and underpinned by a robust management system, we seek to be innovative and proactive in improving what we do and how we do it. Our community and children deserve the best.