Readiness for kinder

The Victorian Department of Education (DE) is now funding two years of kindergarten with the expectation that all children will move directly on to school the following year.

We encourage you to think about what age your child should begin their education journey. A second year of 3-year-old kinder is not possible and a second year of 4-year-old kinder would continue to be subject to set DE criteria with the need for determination of 2 areas of developmental delay, supported by the teacher of the child’s funded 4-year-old group. 

This may have increased relevance for those children who are born between January and April as they will be the youngest in their peer group. The ages of children attending kindergarten can vary greatly and if your child is turning 3 during the first term of the year they start 3-year-old kinder, approximately a third of the children will be nearly a year older and half the group will be six months older.

Children must be at least 3 years old by 30 April in the year they attend 3-year-old kinder. Families with children born between January and 30 April may choose whether to enrol their children in the year they turn three, or the following year. Children turning 3 years old between the commencement of Term 1 and 30 April will only be able to start kinder upon their 3rd birthday.

You know your child best, but there are steps you can take if you are unsure about the best time for your child to start. Consider seeking advice from trusted early childhood professionals by:

·        Attending kindergarten information sessions or open days at your local services and talking with early childhood teachers or educators

·        Speaking to your child’s current educators. If your child attends a long day care program, their educators will be regularly assessing their learning and development needs. Being promoted to the 3-year-old room at child care is not necessarily a sign of readiness.

If you feel that your child may benefit from being older when starting school (that is, 5 years old turning 6 during their Foundation year), then consider starting your child at 3-year-old kindergarten later. There is evidence that suggests starting children later (when they are 5, turning 6) has numerous academic, social and emotional benefits that last throughout their entire schooling career.

If your child’s date of birth falls in the January to April months and you decide it would be beneficial for them to have a whole year of 3-year-old kindergarten you can defer your place with Banyule City Council for the following year. This deferral must be requested by the end of February.

If you have any questions, please email the kinder  


We offer 15 hours per week of 3-year-old and 4-year-old kinder


2025 Timetable

2024 Timetable

2024/2025 Fees

Since 2023, we have opted into the government’s Free Kinder program so no fees are charged. For more information:

How to Enrol:

Children are eligible to enrol in 3yo preschool if they turn 3 by the 30th of April, and can attend onsite once they have had their 3rd birthday. Children can attend 4yo preschool if they turn 4 by the 30th of April.

All 3yo and 4yo year old enrolments are managed by Banyule City Council. Applications must be made online at and will be accepted from 1st March in the year prior to the child attending – e.g. if planning to attend in 2025, applications will be accepted online from 1st March 2024.

Banyule allocates places according to the Department of Education (DE) priority of access and Banyule Council’s Kindergarten Central Registration policy.

Dates for offers of 2025 kinder places from Banyule Council:

9 July – Round One offers (last day to accept Round One offers is 16 July)

23 July – Round Two offers (last day to accept Round Two offers is 30 July)

6 August – Round Three offers (last day to accept Round Three offers is 13 August)

In September, once all rounds of offers are finalised, Banyule will provide us a list of children allocated places at Panorama Heights. We will contact those families with specific enrolment information, including group preferences.